Mount Anthony Youth Athletic Association
Bennington Minutemen
The flag division is made up of Kindergarden through 2nd grade. There is still light contact involved with flag, but nothing that warrants pads, except a mouthguard. It is designed to be an introduction to football and the basics of the game for kids to learn and have fun with.
There will be some travel involved for some of the games. The flag division is still a very light, fun environment, but kids will still get to play in competitive games against other teams/programs. We look to have 1-2 teams to compete in the flag division of the NYFL depending on number of players and volunteers. Practices will start early August.
All Games will be played on Saturday's. The location of our home games is TBD. Registrations for flag require the same paperwork as we have on our registrations page, however NO birth certificate, report card or weight limit is required. The NYFL rules state that a player must be at least 5 years old by Aug. 1st, 2017 and CAN NOT be in 3rd grade.
We are always looking for Parents/Coaches to help with the program. Many of the Tackle Coaches started out in Flag.
The NYFL does not keep Win's & Losses records for the flag division.
The cost to register a player for the flag division is $50 total
Sign up's are at open registrations or at Tomasi Sports
Practice schedule will be posted when available.
2021 Schedule
First Practice Aug. 2nd
Combine: Aug. 21st
First Games: September 4th
Bennington Elks Club
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